M.Steven Fishman
Here are a few of Mr. Fishman’s accomplishments…
Associate director of Georgia Chip 2014-2024 provided logistics for over 600 chip events throughout the state of Georgia…….
Co-founder and Chairman of the Ga.Masonic Blood Drive…..In overTen years have provided over 40,000 units of blood, potentially saving over 320,000 lives in Georgia. I have personally donated over 51 Gallons of Blood Products.
one of the first facilitators for the MELD Leadership Conference in Atlanta….This was the inaugural Conference which evolved into the Yearly Conference in Milledgeville.
Speaker for the Ga.Masonic Blood drive at almost all of the Grandmaster’s forums and advances, all over the state.
Speaker for many District Deputy meetings and District Conventions throughout the State
Featured Speaker for the Southeastern Grandmaster’s conference.
Featured Speaker for the Conference of Grandmasters of America
Three Time Past Master of Webb Lodge No.166 in 2013, 2022, 2023
Vice Chairman of the Masonic Hall of Augusta Trustees for the past TEN Years…..Longest serving trustee on the Board. (15 years)
Oldest living Life Member of Webb Lodge… since 1979
Founder and Initiator of the 10th District Thanksgiving Day Joint Communication….
Held almost every office in the Augusta Scottish Rite, including Class Director, Venerable Master, and executive board for many years….. Personal Rep to the SGIG 2019-2023, Dircector of Marketing and Development 2023- Present
Participated in every Scottish Rite Degree in Augusta that can be conferred….
Co Chaired the KCCH Investiture since it moved to the Augusta Scottish Rite in 2011.
KCCH – 2009 33rd – 2015,,,, Active Candidate, 33rd Degree Conferrell team 2019- Present