Mitch Kobylanski (NC)

Mitch Kobylanski (NC)

Location/Date of birth: Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1953

Training began: 1969 in Holyoke, Massachusetts with Grand Master Lewis Lizotte

Date received Shodan: October 1971

Date received present Rank: Judan – September 2014

Organizational support: Member of the AOKA since November 1971. Member of the AOKA Board of Directors, former member of the AOKA Promotion Board, and AOKA Advisory Board. Routinely contributes to the AOKA Newsletter and maintains/supports the AOKA Website. Member of the USJA since May 2003. Head Instructor of the Carolina Isshinryu Academy.

Awards (Martial Arts): Spirit of Isshinryu by the AOKA (1995). Sensei of Sensei from Isshinryu Hall of Fame (IHOF) 1999. Inducted in the IHOF (2003). Certified USJA Level I Coach.

Profession: Sales Manager Imex Packaging Matthews, NC.

Education: M.B.A Winthrop University (1993), B.S. Industrial Engineering from Western New England College (1975)

Personal: Wife: Karen; children: Amber, Phillip, Jennifer, Alex; grandson Mason.