Sam Chapman (SC)

Sam Chapman (SC)

A very exciting project from my heart to honor the ‘Legends of Carolina Martial Arts’ from the 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, and 1990’s – the men and women who have paved the way for so many to grow through the martial arts.

With the blessings of Blackbelt friends and mentors I have made the decision and commitment to start a non-political organization – ‘Legends of Carolina Martial Arts’ to honor each year a small group of Blackbelts who have impacted Martial Arts through the Carolinas in a positive manner! Please join me in welcoming the inaugural ‘Legends of Carolina Martial Arts’ Class of 2017!!

In Martial Arts,
Sensei Brian Pena (Founder)

Board of Directors:
Sam Chapman (SC), Jerome ‘Magic’ Johnson (NC), Marty Knight (SC), Danny McCall (NC), Brian Pena (SC), Ricky Smith (NC)

SAM CHAPMAN: By Greg Suther